Integrity Program
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With the slogan “Doing right, always works”, the Usiminas Integrity Program came into force in 01/15/2019, bringing together the policies and the updated version of the company’s Code of Ethics and Conduct. The Program establishes new measures and guidelines aligned with the values of the company, in addition to updating existing standards, and will serve as a reference for employees’ day-to-day relations with their colleagues, suppliers and partners, among others, strengthening governance and transparency of procedures.
Sergio Leite, Usiminas’ CEO, said the program is an important compliance tool in that it guides actions and strengthens ethical conduct on the part of all company professionals. “We are at a very important moment in the history of the country, in which we have been following a very strong and effective fight against corruption and behaviors considered inadequate. Today we are the country that has been the most oriented to this end. And we have to lead by example. For this, companies must act as multipliers of ethical practices in the construction of pillars for the improvement of Brazilian society. And here at Usiminas it’s no different, “he says.
“The program was developed based on Usiminas’ vision of being a reference in terms of quality and management in the steel industry, focusing on people, customers and generating sustainable results. The zeal is still for two of our intangible assets that deserve to be preserved, such as trust and reputation, “adds Legal General Manager Bruno Paulino.
Usiminas expects that in the coming weeks all the company’s approximately 13,000 employees will have completed specific training on the program.
In this Code, you will find the principles that should guide the decision making process and our relationship with suppliers, Agents, customers, public authorities, civil society, press and several other publics that are part of the routine of GROUP USIMINAS. The document also helps to strengthen to the different stakeholders the performance of GROUP USIMINAS, always based on correction, transparency and respect.
This Anticorruption Policy (“Policy”), applicable to the companies of GROUP USIMINAS, has as purpose to establish minimum standards of behavior for their Collaborators, regardless of their hierarchic, functional level or place of work, and Agents before situations that might involve or characterize acts of Corruption, specifically on what concerns the relationship with the Public Authority, making clear the posture of absolute intolerance of the companies of GROUP USIMINAS to any illicit act.
This Policy establishes complementary guidelines to the Code of Ethics and Conduct and to the Brazilian antitrust legislation, notably to Law No. 12,529/2011 and its regulations, on how the Collaborators of Group Usiminas shall act, in Brazil and abroad, in the commercial practices and in the corporate relations of which they come to participate, to ensure compliance with the Brazilian legislation and the Group Usiminas’ internal rules concerning specifically related to the competition defense.
The Policy of Conflict of Interest and Transactions with Related Parties (“Policy”) establishes the guidelines of integrity and complement the dispositions on the conflicts of interests contained in the Code of Ethics and Conduct of Group Usiminas, with the purpose to eliminate or mitigate every concrete or apparent situation that may result in conflict.
This Policy shall not prevent the execution of transaction with Related Parties, provided that carried out in the best interest of Group Usiminas and with due regard to the Bylaws and applicable legislation.
The purpose of this Policy of Rewards, Gifts and Hospitalities (“Policy”) is to state the position of GROUP USIMINAS in regard to the delivery, offer, promise and receipt of rewards, gifts, entertainment, trips and other hospitalities by part of the Collaborators of GROUP USIMINAS.
This Policy of Sponsorships and Donations (“Policy”) has the purpose to guide and help the conduct of the Collaborators of the companies of GROUP USIMINAS as to Sponsorships and Donations to be granted in its commercial and institutional relationships, having in view the need to avoid situations that may characterize any form of Corruption, as well as to reinforce the ethical and integrity standards present in the Code of Ethics and Conduct of GROUP USIMINAS.
This Policy of Relationship with Agents (“Policy”) has the purpose of establishing the guidelines of integrity for the relationship with Agents and complement the procedures for qualification, registration, evaluation, contracting and interactions.